The reader lines

Books are my life!


Landscape, the song for Tarryn Fisher's Mud Vein.



If there’s one thing I love more than a book, that’s music. So, I love when authors give songs to their writing. I always spotlight when I find a mention of a song in the book I’m currently reading.

That’s why I was so thrilled when I read about Landscape in Tarryn Fisher’s Mud Vein.

This is not the kind of book I use to read, but this song gave it another feeling.

That song is perfect. It’s the perfect soundtrack for Mud Vein.



TSOS Superfan Contest: Day 9, featuring Mr. Ralph


Click the image to see what Jeri has to say about this character.



Each weekday between March 31 and April 10, Jeri Smith-Ready will post a new “trading card” on her blog and on her various social networks. The cards will feature quotes by the different characters, as well as iconic images associated with them. By sharing this image on your blog and/or social networks, you could win some great prizes!


For all the details, including rules, prize list, and entry form, see THIS POST.

Today’s featured character is David's math teacher, Mr. Ralph, with one of the best quotes of this book!


Now follow Jeri and don't miss a chance to win an awesome prize!








TSOS Superfan contest, Day 8, featuring Eve Decker.


Click the image to see what Jeri has to say about this character.



Each weekday between March 31 and April 10, Jeri Smith-Ready will post a new “trading card” on her blog and on her various social networks. The cards will feature quotes by the different characters, as well as iconic images associated with them. By sharing this image on your blog and/or social networks, you could win some great prizes!


For all the details, including rules, prize list, and entry form, see THIS POST.

Today’s featured character is one of David´s classmates, Eve Decker.


Now follow Jeri and don't miss a chance!








TSOS Superfan Contest: Day 7, featuring Sophia Visser


Click the image to see what Jeri has to say about this character.



Each weekday between March 31 and April 10, Jeri Smith-Ready will post a new “trading card” on her blog and on her various social networks. The cards will feature quotes by the different characters, as well as iconic images associated with them. By sharing this image on your blog and/or social networks, you could win some great prizes!


For all the details, including rules, prize list, and entry form, see THIS POST.

Today’s featured character is Sohia Vesser, the leader of the Rush cult.


Now follow Jeri and don't miss a chance!








Una mini-reseña de Paper Towns (Ciudades de papel) de John Green

Paper Towns - John Green

Es John Green!!

Déjame decirte algo sobre John Green. A excepción de Bajo la misma estrella, John Green escribe los mejores personajes que son personas horribles y poco amigables.
Me pasó con Alaska, y ahora que leí Paper Towns me pasó con Margo, me pasó con Q, me pasó con Lacey, con Radar, con Ben... todos tienen personalidades egoístas y son inmaduros... pero John Green NO trata de hacerlos parecer como mártires o personas buenas.

John Green escribe personajes que son reales, que tienen fallas, que cometen error tras error y es por eso que no puedes evitar amarlos. Por ellos son como tú y como yo.
Personajes increíblemente descritos. Gran punto!
Después vino una trama adictiva, llena de tantos misterios que no sabes, ni puedes imaginar lo que va a pasar, a qué lugar nos llevaran las pistas, como será el reencuentro entre Margo y Quentin. Seguro como el infierno que no puedes dejar este libro de lado hasta que descubras cada misterio.

Este libro es brillante. La escritura de John Green es hermosa y fina a pesar de las conversaciones vulgares, pero interesantes entre los personajes.
Es tan divertido que de repente te encuentras sonriendo, o riendo a carcajadas porque Q y sus amigos son chicos tan normales y tan interesantes que de repente te sientes parte del grupo.

Paper Towns es una gran historia. Ligera, divertida, realista y quizás un poco nostálgica que te dejara con un buen sabor de boca.


TSOS Superfan Contest: Day 6, featuring Jennifer Cooper


Click the image to see what Jeri has to say about this character.



Each weekday between March 31 and April 10, Jeri Smith-Ready will post a new “trading card” on her blog and on her various social networks. The cards will feature quotes by the different characters, as well as iconic images associated with them. By sharing this image on your blog and/or social networks, you could win some great prizes!


For all the details, including rules, prize list, and entry form, see THIS POST.

Today’s featured character is David’s mom, Jennifer Cooper... with the most awesome quote of this book!


Now follow Jeri and don't miss a chance!







TSOS Superfan Contest: Day 5, featuring John Cooper

Click the image to see what Jeri has to say about this character.

Each weekday between March 31 and April 10, Jeri Smith-Ready will post a new “trading card” on her blog and on her various social networks. The cards will feature quotes by the different characters, as well as iconic images associated with them. By sharing this image on your blog and/or social networks, you could win some great prizes!

For all the details, including rules, prize list, and entry form, see THIS POST.

Today’s featured character is David’s dad John Cooper. To be completely honest he is my favorite character of This side of salvation, he's the most original character I've ever read.

Now follow Jeri and don't miss a chance!








ARC review: This Side of Salvation by Jeri Smith-Ready

This Side of Salvation - Jeri Smith-Ready


This side of Salvation by Jeri Smith-Ready is a wonderful story about family, friendship, love, loss and freedom.
David, the main character is in a very difficult situation because after the death of his brother his parents became religious, like hard-core religious, and David doesn’t know what to do. Because David is a normal teenager, he wants the things all the boys his age want. 

So, personally, I think this book takes a topic that catches my attention: how people mix religion with fanaticism. This teaches us that it’s good to have God in our life but in a healthy way.
But don’t get me wrong, TSOS is not a religious book; it’s a contemporary story with a religious topic.
Jeri Smith-Ready amazed me once more with her gorgeous and light writing. TSOS is fast paced read with wonderfully written characters and a mysterious plot that will keep you on the edge of your seat. 

And the characters… oh my, oh my, these characters were phenomenal!
David: He is a baseball player that leaves everything for his parents’ will, because he’s a good boy, he respect them, and he’s struggling with his unknown future.
Bailey: She’s sweet and funny. She’s a geek, she’s a free spirit.
Mara: David’s sister is the rebel, she’s good as well, but she’s strong and she knows what she wants for her life.
David’s mother: She’s passive. She loves his children but she doesn’t set her own rules, it’s like she thinks what her husband thinks.
David’s father: Oh, he’s the fanatic! And though I really hated his role in this story, I have to admit that he’s the best character of this book. Jeri Smith-Ready did an excellent job creating a character so complex. He is so well developed. You can hate him, but cannot deny he’s unforgettable and very, very realistic. (Except for "that" thing about his language, that was amazing!)
The other characters took a special role in this story, like Sophia and Kane but I rather not to tell anything about them.
Just let me highlight how incredible is this author at creating all sort of personalities.
And like I said, the writing is just as awesome as everything Jeri Smith-Ready writes.
This Side of Salvation is not just hard topics and heartbreak, This Side of Salvation has everything you look for in a contemporary story. Sometimes is fun, sometimes is sad. It has mystery and a sweet romance. 

The only problem I had with this book is that I don’t like books narrated in “Then” and “Now” I don’t like going back and forth because, call me crazy, but I always skip the “Then” part. I like to know what’s happening right now.
That’s why I read This Side of Salvation twice. 
Once it was a 4 stars book: when I read it the way it’s written.
Then, it was 5 stars: when I read first the “Then” part and then the “Now” part. My brain just works this way.
Overall, you just can’t miss This Side of Salvation. It’s unlike everything you ever read.

And now let me show you the quote that made me laugh like a manic. Note that this quote was taken from the ARC and it can change in the final copy.

Superfan Contest Day 4, featuring Mara Cooper



Click on the card to go to Jeri's post.



Each weekday between March 31 and April 10, Jeri Smith-Ready will post a new “trading card” on her blog and on her various social networks. The cards will feature quotes by the different characters, as well as iconic images associated with them. By sharing this image on your blog and/or social networks, you could win some great prizes!

For all the details, including rules, prize list, and entry form, see THIS POST.

Today’s featured character is David’s older sister, Mara Cooper. She's one of my favorite characters of This Side of Salvation. She's sarcastic, and she loves music!


Follow Jeri and don't miss a chance!








Superfan Contest Day 3, featuring Bailey Brynn






Each weekday between March 31 and April 10, Jeri Smith-Ready will post a new “trading card” on the blog and on her various social networks. The cards will feature quotes by the different characters, as well as iconic images associated with them. By sharing this image on your blog and/or social networks, you could win some great prizes!

For all the details, including rules, prize list, and entry form, see THIS POST.

Today’s featured character is David’s girlfriend, Bailey Brynn.


Follow Jeri!







Under the cover of Unravel me

Is not a secret that I don’t like hardcovers.
But let me tell you why: Most of the time the covers (jackets?) are too fragile, and too hard to take care of.  And If I decide I will carry the book naked, then, it's too plain, and it gets dirty so easily!
But I need hardcovers.
That’s why I copied Tahereh Mafi’s idea, and I scribbled under those covers.


And since (like I said), this is an idea I saw on Tahereh's pages, the first book I took was Unravel me.




Under the cover





Your tears feed my muse.
-Julie Kagawa
The Forever Song - Julie Kagawa

The Forever Song eARC


This is probably the best book trailer I've ever seen.

Oooh, and God bless Amy Plum for introducing me Parachute, my new favorite band (of its kind)

Aislados, de Megan Crewe

Aislados (El mundo en ruinas, #1) - Megan Crewe, Carles Andreu


Cuando comencé a leer este libro fue específicamente porque me uní al Street Team de la serie hace algún tiempo, pero aun no había leído ninguno de los libros. Así que tenía que hacerlo.
Para ser honesta este libro no es lo que esperaba, en una buena manera.
Aislados nos lleva a la vida de Kaelyn que comienza como una chica normal, presentándose a si misma por medio de un diario que escribe para una amiga que se fue de la isla donde viven... ¿Un libro en formato de diario? interesante ¿verdad? (lo leí en ingles, así que sigo creyendo que "diario" es la palabra indicada)

El mundo de Kaelyn al principio es normal, hasta que un extraño virus comienza a tomar la isla hasta el punto en que tienen que ponerla en cuarentena.
La trama apocalíptica de este libro es muy creíble. La autora manejo bien el hecho de hacer que todo vaya de normal hasta convertirlo en caos, en una lucha por sobrevivir.
Los personajes son bien creados, la voz de Kaelyn es entretenida y nos hace sentir de primera mano el terror de como las vidas se destruyen y las cosas cambian por un enemigo al que no se puede ver y quizás ni siquiera destruir.
Aislados es una historia contada de una forma entretenida y rápida, y a pesar del impacto de las muertes tiene cosas normales que no se pueden evitar aun en situaciones tan terribles, como el drama del romance.
La última vez que leí un libro sobre virus fue Liberacion (Juntos #3 de Ally Condie). Y a pesar de que ambos son muy diferentes me hizo darme cuenta de lo bien escritos y bien detallados que son los acontecimientos y las tragedias que situaciones como estas pueden acarrear en un mundo al borde del colapso.

Mi único problema con Aislados es que de repente la historia se volvió predecible. Esperaba más acción, pero no llegó y algunas de las cosas que sucedieron las vi venir desde el principio… A demás, el final me dejo con un sentimiento agridulce que paso en cuanto me di cuenta que se retoma en el segundo libro.

El mayor punto de Aislados es la originalidad, las descripciones, la escritura y los personajes. Si lees el primer libro y te gusta estoy segura de que querrás leer su continuación lo antes posible.
Aislados es una buena historia que no te puedes perder.

Melissa Marr's new book "Made for you"

Bestselling author of the Wicked Lovely books Melissa Marr’s first contemporary YA novel is a twisted southern gothic tale of obsession, romance, and murder. A killer is obsessed with Eva Tilling. Can she stop him, or will he claim her?


When Eva Tilling wakes up in the hospital, she’s confused—who in her sleepy little North Carolina town could have hit her with their car? And why? But before she can consider the question, she finds that she’s awoken with a strange new skill: the ability to foresee people’s deaths when they touch her. While she is recovering from the hit-and-run, Nate, an old flame, reappears, and the two must traverse their rocky past as they figure out how to use Eva’s power to keep her friends—and themselves—alive. But while Eva and Nate grow closer, the killer grows increasingly frantic in his attempt to get to Eva.

For the first time, New York Times bestselling author Melissa Marr has applied her extraordinary talent to contemporary realism. Chilling twists, unrequited obsession, and high-stakes romance drive this Gothic, racy thriller—a story of small-town oppression and salvation. Melissa’s fans, and every YA reader, will find its wild ride enthralling.


“Love is illogical, love had consequences--I did this to myself, and I should be able to take it.”

“He is beauty, inside and out.
He is the silver lining in a world of darkness.
He is my light.”

Prodigy by Marie Lu

(aka: the book that scared the hell out of me... aka: I will never be able to read Champion now)